Sunday 23 October 2011

An outing to the Everyman Theatre, October 21st

Friday morning saw 6 of us on the local bus to Cheltenham, [using our bus passes!] to see the newly restored and refurbished Everyman Theatre. We had a tour booked, and  firstly were given the history of the theatre, followed by a description of the renovations. It is truly sumptuous, though the carpet in the foyer and stairs seemed to be out of keeping, with a very busy design.

We then were taken through to the dressing rooms, back of stage, and finally front of stage. It was very interesting to see it all. Maybe we will have another theatre outing soon...Thank you, Jo yet again.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

October meeting, October 18th.

Our speaker didn't come, so instead we had a really interesting talk from Candy. She described her life growing up in China from 1979 on. A very different life to ours here in the West.

Doreen posted on Facebook,  ''yesterday I presided over the best meeting ever! A beautiful new and young member who is chinese told us of her fantastic and impressive life. you could have heard a pin drop!''

Sunday 16 October 2011

Another great outing!

On Thursday October 13th, 30 of us got onto a coach for a tour of 'The Forest of Dean' with a Blue Cross Guide.

The guide gave a running commentary as we were driven through Cheltenham, on towards the Forest, where we were interested in the history of the area

Sadly the leaves hadn't changed [unlike this picture]

Nor did we see a promised deer!

We stopped at Coleford for a WI tea, then back home. It was a lovely afternoon. Thank you Jo.

Monday 10 October 2011

October 8th 2011, a wedding

Pat and John sign the register


The WI are smartly dressed!!